life Uncategorized

When it rains, it pours.

You know that saying, “when it rains, it pours?” Yep. Accurate.

For the past 5+ years, blogging has been a huge part of my life. I’ve created content, shared pieces of our life, and gotten to know so many of you lovely people that come here to read it all time and time again. It’s been stressful but for the most part, it’s been fun.

But you know what’s not fun? The tech side of it. Do you know how much goes on behind the scenes? Buying the domain, the hosting company, the theme, the web designer, the security, etc. It makes my head spin. But it wasn’t until Friday that I really got a taste of the ugly side of it all and to be honest, I’m not sure we’re in the clear yet.

I was having trouble Friday accessing my admin panel (how I get in to write posts). So I called my hosting company and they said they took care of it. Well they told me the same thing later that day, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday too. I was actually on chat with them facing the same issue when I went to my site and realized there was porn here. At first I thought it was a joke and some pop-up and laughed about it. But then I realized it was on MY site. Next to MY picture. And I wanted to crawl in a hole.

I spent the next hour on the phone with Bluehost and Sitelock paying buttloads of money for new security and trying to restore the website I had built over the past 5+ years. I couldn’t fall asleep and when I was still tossing and turning at 5 am, I decided to get up and call them to see what was going on. It seems to be working now. There are a few things missing and I am going to try and figure it out. But it’s been one thing after another the past couple of days and I just don’t know how much more I can handle.

We’ve all officially been bit by the stomach bug. I’ve seen more vomit and poop than I care to admit and I’ve thrown away carpets, washed blankets, and used about 900 paper towels. I’m just tired. Tired of it all.

I’m not a political person so I won’t get into that but what I hate to see is the country so divided. I know not everyone is going to agree on everything but I wish we could have had better candidates and as a whole, felt better about the next four years.

I don’t feel very positive today so I’m sorry if this was a Debbie Downer of a post. But sometimes that’s life. It can’t always be cupcakes and rainbows, can it?

So please bare me with me while I try and figure all of this out. There may be technical difficulties here and there while I get all of the malware off my site. I’m also still taking care of these sick babies and now sick husband so if I haven’t responded to comments or emails, you know why. Just keep us in your prayers please… we need them.




  • Liane

    Oh goodness that sounds awful! Being hacked sucks 🙁 I’m glad that it seems to be getting sorted now though and I hope the kiddies start feeling better soon x

  • Jasmine

    I can’t believe your site got hacked. When I saw that on snapchat I felt bad but at the same time it was so funny. Like I’m so glad I didn’t come see it. Lol

    • Samantha

      I was laughing about it too and then I was like shittttt this isn’t good lol

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