Doing the right thing.
I’ve always been a big believer in karma; whether it’s how I act towards other people or knowing right from wrong, I’ve always had a guilty conscious which has in turn sparked my obsession with karma.
Karma: destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
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I can vividly remember feeling so guilty about trying a cigarette in high school that I immediately went home the next morning and told my parents. I was so disappointed in myself and I couldn’t live with the fact that I had done something I wasn’t supposed to do. My parents weren’t mad, in fact they were glad I told them and knew how bad it was for me. I felt so relieved to get it off my chest and knew I was doing the right thing. Would it have killed me had I not told them? No. But I wanted to be honest with them and let them know they could trust in the decisions I was making.
The other day, Z and I took Bubba to Lowe’s Build and Grow workshops (more to come on that later) and Z sat down on a plastic tote to rest for a minute. As common sense would allow (duh Zachary), the tote cracked in a billion places as soon as he sat on it. We brushed it off and didn’t make a scene, and as soon as the workshop was over, I grabbed a cart and made my way to the check out line.
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Now some people may have taken it and hidden it somewhere else in the store but not me. And for a few different reasons. 1. We broke it, we needed to buy it. 2. Karma is a biatch; if I would have done that, I probably would have gotten in an accident leaving the parking lot or something. I truly believe that.
So I walked up to the counter, told the woman my husband was a dope (my exact words) , had broken it during the workshop, and that I would like to pay for it. She scanned it and then walked over to the manager. She explained what had happened to her and the manager walked over to the check out counter.
“You don’t need to pay for that! We will just mark it as damaged. Don’t worry about it.”
I could have cried right there. She did not have to do that; it was our own fault it was broken and we should have paid for our mistake. However, being the kind woman she was, said she understood it was an accident and it wasn’t a big deal.
The moral behind the story? Always do what you know is right in your heart. Some people would have said “just stick it there, no one will ever know.” And that’s not true; I would have known. I would have felt extremely guilty, thought about it all day, and gone back the next to pay for it. That’s just how I am.
Is everyone like this? No. And that’s fine! We’re all different. Maybe you don’t believe in karma or that God is watching or whatever other higher power I’m alluding too. However, you must believe in yourself. Be the person you want to be when people aren’t watching or when you don’t feel guilty after already doing something you shouldn’t have. Be a better person for you, even if that means paying consequences or saying you’re sorry, or doing something you don’t want to do. Did I want to pay $12 for a broken tote? No; but I would have because it was our responsibility.
But apparently, being a good person and doing the right thing was enough.
Do you do the right thing when no one is watching?
“She’s addicted to Diet Coke and designing pretty things..Check her out!”