
Dear Nolan 25 months

Dear Nolan,


Hard to believe it’s already been a month since we celebrated your second birthday. Soon after that, we welcomed your baby sister into the world and we took off on the wild ride of a family of four. But despite the craziness, late nights, and early mornings that have become our routine, you’ve been such a big help and adjusted without fail.
You love to help me; you love to bring me Paislee’s diapers and sit with me while I nurse her. You want to play with her and bring her toys and share things with her and I know that someday, you’re going to be best friends. You haven’t had an ounce of jealousy yet and know that I’m now your mommy and her mommy. And you’re totally okay with that.
While I was pregnant, I was worried how I was going to balance my time and love for two babies. While I’m still learning to balance my time, the love is no problem at all. I love you more than ever and am so proud of the little man you’ve become.
You still play with my hair to fall asleep or when we are just sitting on the couch and the other day when you didn’t, I realized how much I will actually miss it when you stop. You’re still a mama’s boy; you let daddy help with more and more but you still want me to kiss your boo boos when you get hurt and still want me when it’s time to fall asleep. And that my dear, is the best feeling in the world.
You’ve been going in the potty more and more, although you refuse to poop in it yet. You do, however go to the bathroom or in another room to poop so I know we will get there soon! But you tell us when you have to pee in the potty and get so excited when you do. We are so proud of you Bubs, and we hope you know that.
Oh and your vocabulary and grammar blows us away. Everyone thinks you’re three and are blown away by how smart you are. It makes me proud to watch you take interest in learning and although I’m going to be a hot mess when you start school and leave me, I know you’ll love it and come home each day to tell me all about the new things you’ve learned.
You go to gym class every Saturday and hopefully will be starting gymnastics or dance in the near future. I want you to be active and enjoy every minute of being a kid because from one big kid to a small one, it goes way faster than you think.
Until next month Little Man, I love you!


“From one military wife to another, be sure to check out this month’s featured blogger!”




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