The Samantha Show Reader Survey
Happpppy hump day! I don’t know about where you are but it’s almost sweater weather here in Georgia. In the very early morning and late at night… but I’ll take it. This Georgia weather is so crazy y’all….one minute it’s perfect and the next minute I’m sweating. But we’re getting there… slowly but surely. And speaking of sweaters, how adorable is this sweater from Oakleigh Rose? This color is perfect for fall and the buttons on the back are just darling. Don’t forget you can take 20% off your purchase with code “thesamanthashow”… happy shopping!
This week has been pretty crazy. Today marks a pretty big day for our family as my husband commits to three more years in the army. Of course I’m super proud of him but at the same time, my heart hurts a little knowing it means extra time away from our family and friends in Ohio. Technically it’s only an extra 21 months longer than the original date of his separation of the army, but it still stings a little knowing that it’s 21 months sooner we could have been home and putting this life behind us. But you gotta do what you gotta do and this is something we’ve gotta do. We both feel the same way; we’re excited but it’s definitely bittersweet at the same time.
I’ve also been working away on my Blog Mentorship Program and have my first “meeting” with my first mentee today! I’ve been prepping behind the scenes and I can’t wait to work with her. More on that coming tomorrow 🙂
In the meantime, I have a little favor to ask all of you. I’m doing a little research about this here blog and would love a minute of your time. If you would be so kind to fill out this little reader survey, I would really appreciate it! Don’t hold back… please be honest so I can make this place better for everyone 🙂
Have a great day… and make sure you stop back tomorrow for a very special announcement! xo