How do YOU make decisions?
Well it’s Monday friends and well, we all know how we all feel about Mondays. Yes, I know I complain about it every Monday. But today is different because today, I may be staring a decision in the face and I have no idea what my answer to the question will be.
Vague, I know. I’ve made a pros and cons list and I’ve tried to picture myself making said decision and I just don’t know what to do. My heart is tugging one way and my brain is tugging another and if you know me, I’m usually one to go with what my heart is saying. I’m a planner but I’m also a feed off of emotions type of person and I just can’t figure this one out.
Sorry to keep this short, but I need advice and I need it fast. How do you make big decisions? What do you do if the decision doesn’t seem to be the right one after the fact? How do you reach your decision? Have you ever made a big decision and regretted it? Do you wish you would have went the other direction?
“To learn life lessons from a student, animal lover and self-proclaimed wine connoisseur, go on and visit The Eclectic Vet (Student)”