Mommy and Me parenting

Valentine’s Day activities to do with your kids

Whether or not you’re a big fan of Valentine’s Day, I think we can all appreciate spending special time with our kiddos. I’ll be honest, I’m not the mom that plans out monthly curriculums for my kids and has everything planned by hour and day. I kind of just wing it and find activities to do with them depending on what holidays are approaching, what we have around the house, etc.

DIY crafts: Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids

You don’t have to spend a ton of money or create some elaborate plan, but here are a few Valentine’s Day activities you can do with your kids:

Make cards: 

My daughter loves to create. When I busted out all of these goodies from the Target dollar spot, she spent literally hours gluing, sticking, and gliterring (made that word up), different pieces of artwork. She plans to give them to her teachers, grandparents, etc. It would also be nice to drop them off at nursing homes or hospitals as well.


Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; make your own Valentine's

Mommy and Me; Valentine's Day activities to do with your kidsValentine's Day activities to do with your kids

Decorate cookies: 

Whether you plan to take these to your kiddos Valentine’s Day party or just snack on them during the week, let the kids have full reign on decorating. I usually do the frosting and then let them pick which sprinkles and designs they want to add. If you’re feeling extra nice, package them up in little baggies and deliver them to family and friends.

You can also dip pretezels, Oreos, etc in chocolate and decorate with sprinkles. The kids love this!

Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; cookie decorating with sprinkles and icing. Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; making cookies Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; make and decorate cookies Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; decorate cookies!



Love-themed meals: 

Cut their sandwiches into hearts or get really fancy with things like “Love me (Beef) Tender (Loin), “A slice of (pizza) heaven”, “You’re my Angel (hair pasta)… etc. Get creative with it!

Making cards: Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids

Make jewelry: 

Grab some pink, red, heart beads, etc and make some bracelets and necklaces to wear to your fancy dinner!

Arts and Crafts: 

Kids love finger painting so why not dip their cute little hands in finger paint and let them make their own masterpiece. You can make a bouquet of “roses” or a simple LOVE sign. Add it to the baby book 🙂

Some other crafting ideas:

Cut hearts out of sponges and paint with those.

Paint with heart shaped cookie cutters.

Use stamps. doilies, etc.

Forget about the mess and just let them create to their little heart’s desire (no pun intended… maybe..)

Valentine's Day Crafts: Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids

Story time: You can check your local libraries or just set up a cute little reading area and read love themed books at home.

Some of our favorite books about love are:

Love Monster

I Love You, Stinky Face

I Love You Through and Through

I’ll Love You Forever

Elmo Loves You

Guess How Much I Love You

Reading corner: Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids

Story time: Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids\

Treasure Hunt: We LOVE treasure hunts! You can lead them to different places around the house or yard and lead them to their treasure! I like to do little Valentine’s Day candy or treats! Check the Dollar Tree or Target Dollar Spot for cute ideas!

Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids

Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids; pretend makeup!

Dress up with your little ones for Valentine's Day. Read more Valentine's Day activities to do with your kids here.

Get ready for a fancy lunch or dinner: put on your fanciest outfits and get ready for a special meal out (or in)! Gel the hair, put on some “makeup”, set the table or head out and enjoy some quality time together.

I believe love should be shown and shared everyday of the year, but why not take advantage of the holiday and shower the ones you love with extra love. If you have any sort of traditions or things you like to do, leave a comment below! xo

Photos by Kalyn Mann Photography




  • Caitlin

    This is such a sweet post! Love this (and you two!)

  • Elizabeth

    Love these cute pictures!!

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