Today’s discussion on busy mom hacks is sponsored by ONvocal. But as always, all opinions are my own.
Raise your hand if you lose your phone at least once a day? Raise both hands if you lose your phone 900 times a day? Guilty as charged. Seriously, I don’t know where that thing goes or why it’s so hard to keep track of it. But it’s got a mind of it’s own none the less..
Which can be a pain in the booty when you hear your phone ringing somewhere and have no idea where it is. Or if you’re like me and work from home, and need your phone to stay connected to work. Want to know what a busy mom’s secret weapon is?
Enter the ON Vocal. I’m sure you’ve seen people walking around with these things around their neck and wondering what they’re doing. And if you’re like me, you thought it was just a bluetooth device so they could make phone calls without actually holding their phone.
Well you would be correct. But it also does SO much more.
Does anyone else listen to music when they’re working?! You can use this to request songs (yes, you read that correctly) through Alexa or Siri, pause/play, turn volume up or down, etc. It’s seriously magical.
Want to hear yourself speak on conference calls or just any old call? Turn Voice on or off.
Want the ambiance in the background or want to tune it out? You can do that too.
You can even have presets set for different situations so that you always have Ambiance, Chat, and Voice situated where you want them to be.
Seriously, this thing is so cool.
To get the most out of your ONvocal, you’ll want to make sure you have the OV App and Alexa App installed. You can of course use things like Siri to find out what the temperature is like outside or check and see if you have any appointments. But if you want to control your presets or reorder paper towels (for example), you’ll need these two apps installed.
Other fun facts: you can leave the device around your neck and just pop the ear buds in and out as you please. So now losing it! Battery life is up to 8 hours so you’re good for most of the day while the kids are awake 🙂
Not a fan of it showing? This scarf can hide it! They even sell scarves on their website to cover it and make it more fashion forward. Although I think it kind of looks BA the way it is. Like I’m super important or something haha.
Life is crazy, I think we can all admit that. So finding these little hacks that make life somewhat less insane are always a huge win in my mom book.
Need a last minute Mother’s Day gift idea? Here you go! Perfect for the working mom, the stay-at-home-mom, or really, anyone who needs a little ease and convenience in their life.
8 years agoWhat a fun device, I’ve never heard of it but I’m definitely going to check it out! Thanks Sam!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes