What’s up Wednesday.
You guys. We’re just ONE week away from ending this 5 weeks of madness. In one week, our family will be whole again! All I have to say is thank the sweet lord baby Jesus. Because it’s been an absolute hell. Granted he’s not going to be home for very long before leaving again but I’ll take anything we can get at this point. The kids are so ready and I know they’re just going to pick up right where they left off.
What’s Up Wednesday
What else is going on? What is What’s up Wednesday? Well whatever the heck I want it to be. A little bit of everything…
First things first, these pictures are from a few weeks ago and I’m totally missing my pink hair. Perhaps it’s time to bring it back?
Secondly, I’ll be honest. I think there’s only been one night in the past two weeks that I haven’t had a glass (or two) of wine. It’s been super relaxing and I think I deserve it after a long day. Plus, wine is made from grapes. Grapes are fruit. I’m practically eating fruit every night. I’m practically on a diet.
Speaking of diets, I haven’t been on my best behavior the past few days. It’s so hard to cook for one and my kids are being stinkers when it comes to eating. I’m lucky to eat at all most days so I am trying to just give myself a break and do what I can. Same with working out. I went Monday-Friday last week but it’s been a little crazy here this week. But I’m getting back on the saddle today and I can’t wait. I’ve rediscovered my love for working out aka it’s free therapy. As is the wine.
No update on the house front. Boo. Trying to stay positive but it’s really hard to do it day after day. Just trying to keep my head up and hope that all of this is happening for a reason.
And last but not least, I wanted to share a little something for a friend of mine. Here are the details:
“One of my husband’s newer soldiers has a wife who is expecting their second baby in December. They have a 14 month old, Ava, who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer in May. They did an operation to remove the masses they found and they thought she was fine. Fast forward to August and they discovered cancer had moved into her bones, spinal chord and behind her eye. They are driving 3 hours to Dallas for chemo (when Ava is well enough to receive it) and financially it’s killing them. The Army and Tricare suggested a different hospital (who misdiagnosed her in May) so they wont cover everything at the pediatric hospital in Dallas. So on top of lodging, gas, food and other life expenses they have medical bills everywhere. Lularoe is allowing us to do a 4 day fundraising event where they will match a portion of what we raise.”
If you want to grab some new clothes and help this deserving family in the process, you can join Katie’s group here. Katie is one of the most selfless, kind, and caring people I know and I absolutely admire her and support her in this cause 110%. If you can help in anyway, even if it’s a pair of leggings, please do!
Cheers to being halfway through the week babes… the end is in sight! xo