To my dearest Lady,
Happy birthday my big 4 year old girl! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since you came into this world. And with a quick and dramatic entrance I might add! I was just supposed to have a doctors appointment that day but apparently the sweeping of the membranes did the trick and in just a few short hours, we welcomed you with open arms.
You were a spitfire from the beginning and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re sassy, fierce, kind, sensitive, and the most loving little girl. You seriously amaze me everyday with your positivity and happiness and I think we could all take a little lesson on living life from you.
You know I love your brother something fierce but having a little girl was something I had dreamed about my entire life. My mommy and I have such a special relationship and I longed for the same with my own daughter.
Someone I could play dress-up with and have tea parties. Someone who wanted to play babies and Barbies for hours and watch all the Disney classics. Someone who looked like me and wanted to dress like me and well, be my little mini me. Of course you’re your own person but I have to say, I see a lot of myself in you too.
You and I share an insanely close relationship because for a lot of your life, it was just you and I. Daddy was gone, Bubby was at school, and you and I were together. I nursed you for 23 months because you were so stubborn and insistent on not quitting. See? Stubborn. But I wouldn’t have traded that time for anything.
You also began co-sleeping with me when Daddy left for his second deployment and well, you still are. I know it’s a habit that needs to get broken but I don’t know how to do it! At some point during the night, you come into my room and nuzzle into my side. And although it may drive me crazy, I know these moments won’t last forever.
You love makeup (and making “videos” of yourself doing makeup), you love to sing and dance, and you love your brother like crazy. Even if he beats you up. But don’t worry, one day he’ll protect you and you guys will be thick as thieves.
I cannot wait to see you with this new baby and I know you’re going to be the best helper and big sister. I haven’t had a moment to be sad about you not being the “baby” anymore because to me, you’ll always be my baby. It was you that showed me the joys of having a daughter and it’s you that brings me sunshine, even on the darkest of days.
I am so proud of you Lady and I wish you the happiest year to come! You’re the Anna to my Elsa and I love you more than I can ever put into words.
As we always say, “best friends…forever”. I love you!
Miss P’s Birth Story//Pink and Gold First Birthday//Miss P is three
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