family life parenting

Make your own cupcakes and rainbows.


Hello Monday, we meet again. And at one time I hated Mondays, I now like them because it means another week closer to seeing my love. We’re a little over two months into this deployment and each day has it’s challenges. Sometimes it’s the kids. Sometimes it’s work. Sometimes it’s the house. But at the end of the day when the kids are sound asleep and I crawl into bed, I know that I did the best job I could do and it’s another day down. And that it’s one day closer to getting Z home.
We had a super busy weekend but I don’t think I’ve heard Nolan laugh as much as he did in quite awhile.I will be the first to admit, I sometimes forget he’s only 2.5. He’s so super smart that sometimes I forget all he wants is the simple things. Staying up late and hanging out with me after Paislee’s gone to bed. Swinging for an hour straight while I let him pretend to kick me over. Being pulled in the wagon round and round on the “roller coaster”. And despite my exhaustion, I try and do all of these things with a smile on my face. And it’s hard not to smile when I see how happy it makes him.
This weekend consisted of gym class, Starbucks, and playground adventures. We went shopping, ordered pizza, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Hell Nolan slept for 13 hours one night and I don’t think that’s happened… ever. I would say it was a successful few days 🙂
Spreading my attention between two very needy kids on my own is hard. I try and give each of them their alone time but it seems as though someone always needs me when the other one does. Besides nursing, I don’t sit down much during the day. Trust me, I am not complaining, just simply stating the facts. I love that I am able to stay at home with my babies but I would love someone to try and tell me all I do during the day is watch soaps and eat bon-bons. The only thing I’m watching is Disney Junior and the only thing I’m eating are the scraps of my kids’ leftover lunch because I didn’t have time to make my own. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Ever.
Things have been going a lot smoother since I cut back at work and took on a different role. My kids seem happier, I am obviously less stressed and soon enough, I’ll be back in Ohio and spending the holidays with family. I’m of course missing Z like crazy but I’m so thankful for technology and the fact that I get to talk to him as much as I do. In terms of deployment, I couldn’t ask for better circumstances. This too shall pass, right?
I know life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows, but rather doing the best we can with what we have. Taking each day as it comes and embracing the good with the bad. Remembering that the small things are what really matter and most importantly, that everything will work itself out. Karma, God, whatever you believe in… it knows what it’s doing.
And sometimes, it’s necessary to make your own cupcakes and rainbows.





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