7 week style challenge.
I get dressed everyday. What do I mean by that? I mean, I get out of my pajamas. Even if I’m not going anywhere, I try to make the effort to pretend like I am. It makes me feel better about myself and for some reason I am more productive that way. Sweats make me feel lazy and want to sit on the couch, where as “real” clothes make me feel like I need to be doing something. And with two toddlers, that’s usually the case.
But I have a closet and dresser full of clothes that I stare at every morning. Sometimes I gravitate towards my favorite pieces and sometimes I wear something out of my comfort zone. But I get bored… quickly. So I head to the store or computer and buy something new. Which isn’t the answer to the problem…right?
So how do we solve this problem? Enter the Cosmo article I read last week ,”7 Things to Do When You Decide You Hate All Your Clothes”
They list 7 different things you should do to get out of the funk… the fashion boredom funk. So I decided to put my own little spin on it and dive into the challenge myself. But I’m going to need support so I’m hoping you’ll all join in with me!
Here’s what we’ll be doing…(you can read the article above if you want to see the spoiler):
Week 1: Remove all black clothing from your wardrobe.
Week 2: Make outfits at random and see what happens.
Week 3:Wear the same basic outfit for a whole week.
Week 4: Ask a stylish friend to dress you for a week.
Week 5: Clean out your closet and purge.
Week 6: Wear one piece a different way every day for a week.
Week 7: Social media style off
Like I said, the article is a little different and I just tailored it a bit to be more realistic. And there may or may not be prizes in week 7… just saying 🙂 I’m going to be taking pictures of my outfits each day so I can recap, but you totally don’t have to do that. We’re working on an honor system here; however, I’ll be posting a recap every Monday, along with an explanation for that week’s challenge.
Example: Next week I’ll post a reminder post about the challenge, and then the prompt. So next week I’ll end my post with:Remove all black clothing from your closet for a week. If you’re like me, you tend to gravitate towards black because it’s chic and slimming. Well starting next Monday, you’re fighting with anything black in your wardrobe and you can’t make up till the following week.
This is going to be difficult but it’s going to be fun… so get excited! Use the hashtag #SamanthaShowStyleChallenge so we can find each other and share outfit ideas, support, and encouragement! There may also be random prizes going out, especially during week 7, so make sure to tag me on Instagram so I can see! I know this was a lot of information and may be a little confusing, but I’ll post a reminder next week and hopefully it will make more sense 🙂
So who’s going to join me?!