This post was sponsored by Hello Happy. Hello Hershey’s, as part of an Ambassador Activation for Influence Central.
Baking with my kids has always been a love-hate relationship. I love to see how excited they get and they always love to eat whatever it is they’re making. But I’m also somewhat of a control freak and get a little overwhelmed when there are four extra hands grabbing things out from beneath me. But I know it’s these little things they’ll remember when they’re older so I try and swallow my pride and just roll with it. So what if they lick the sugar off their hands right? I guess we have to pick our battles!
I’ve been looking for ways to keep them busy this summer and baking chocolate chip cookies has been one of their favorites. To make it a little easier on everyone (myself included), I pre-measure all of the ingredients and put them into bowls. This helps them pour the bowl without fighting over who gets to measure it and then making a mess all over the place. Sure this causes a few more dishes but also avoids extra headaches.
To put a little spin on our cookies, we place HERSHEY’S KISSES Chocolates in the middle of them right when they come out of the oven. My little helpers are always sneaking kisses behind my back but they’re having fun doing it so let them be little, I say.
HERSHEY’S encourages you to find your happy moments. There are so many moments throughout our days where we can choose happiness. Since it’s the first official day of summer tomorrow, I’m challenging you to get out there and make memories. Find the beauty in your everyday and choose happy. You may be surprised at how much more enjoyable life can be when you soak up these moments.
Let your kids help you bake. It instills confidence, teaches them to follow directions and makes them feel accomplished. All while having fun and making memories.
Do you bake with your kids? How do you make it enjoyable for everyone?
what do you think?