Winter can be a tough season for parents. There’s only so many things you can do indoors, not to mention winter break seems to drag on for years when you’ve got the kids home…and bored!
I’ll be honest, we have a lot of iPad time when they’re home for extended periods of time and they begin to drive me crazy. They like to watch YouTube kids, movies, play games, etc, and I have things to get done too. Having our third kid was a game changer and hey, sometimes you just need a break. Ain’t no shame in my game.
But there’s also a ton of other things we do to beat cabin fever with kids. Some we do while staying cozy at home and others include leaving the house for little field trips.
Here are a few of our favorites:
Baking/cooking: As much as I hate a mess, the kids love to bake and cook with me in the kitchen. So I bite my tongue and let them take the reigns or at the very least, help me!
Build forts in the living room: Because it’s more fun to play in a room when it’s not supposed to be played in! Haha grab all the pillows, cushions, blankets and #letthembelittle
Kinetic sand: P likes it more than N does but it will usually keep her occupied for a little while. And when that fails…there’s always…
Play Doh: a classic and staple in this house!
Crafts: I like to stay stocked on canvas, card stock, construction paper, glue sticks, etc and then bust it all out when they’re getting really restless. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we’ll be working on some cards and pictures!
Color or paint: As messy as it is, painting is one of their favorite activities. I like to buy shower curtains or table cloths from the dollar store so I can just throw them out afterwards. Let them bring out their inner artist!
Movie theater: the kids love a good movie theater. Pick a movie, set up a snack bar, and bust out the popcorn machine! If you want to get really crazy, let them decorate boxes and make your movie theater a drive-in. It’s been awhile since we’ve done it but they loved it in the past!
Trip to the library: We haven’t done this as much with the new baby but in addition to story time, the library sometimes has things like a Bubble Lady, crafts, etc. and It’s normally free!
Lunch at a play place: When we lived in the south there was literally a play place on every corner. But up here in the north they seem less popular! But we do know of a few and once in awhile, we will take a trip there and I’ll let them burn off some energy! And I don’t have to cook lunch so it’s a win-win.
Play date with friends: Schedule a play date with other mamas; kids can play and you can socialize with another adult human.
Sledding/play in the snow: Playing in the snow is NOT for me but I will brave it for sledding (for a short period of time). But now that my kids are older, they can also play outside by themselves while I supervise. So bundling them up and letting them play outside is always an option. And then have the hot cocoa ready when they get back inside!
I know that it can be difficult when you’re bored, they’re bored, everyone’s COLD! But even if you just do one thing a day, it will help the time go by more quickly. And soon enough, you’ll be running around the playground, taking walks, and swimming in the pool!
How do you beat cabin fever with kids?!
what do you think?