fashion life

“We aren’t in a hurry”

Photos Credit: Amy Hess Photography
Persunmall top c/o// Express jean shorts// BabyBeau bag c/o// c/o (similar)// Express jacket (old)//
After dinner last night, Nolan and I ran to the store for a few things. You know when you run to the store for one thing and end up with 10? Yeah it was one of those nights. And one of those items obviously had to be a Cars helmet for him so he could ride his bike outside.
We got to the checkout and the cashier couldn’t find a barcode on the helmet. She turned on her blinking light and headed to find another one that would scan. A woman and her daughter had just come into line behind me and I did what I always do, I apologized for holding them up.
And the woman’s response totally shocked me.
“That’s okay, we’re not in a hurry.”
And I had one of those moments that just stopped me in my tracks and made me think.
I’m always in a hurry. Always. Whether it be because someone needs to go potty or someone else needs to nurse, I’m always rushing. The dogs have been locked up all day, or we’re going to be late to gym class again. I am always rushing. 
And for what?
Having two kids and two dogs has been extremely crazy but that woman last night made me realize that I’m missing out on the little things.
While we waited for the cashier to come back with the helmet, Nolan and I laughed as he sang his ABCs. He kept hugging me so he could lift himself out of the cart. I let him pretend to pay by swiping my card and signing his name. We just sat and enjoyed something we couldn’t control.
And that’s a huge feat for me.
I’m a control freak and I’m constantly losing my cool when things don’t go my way or as planned. And marrying someone in the military has taught me some patience and that I can’t control a lot of things most of the time.
But this woman reminded me that sometimes, I need to slow down and enjoy the moments that are right in front of my eyes. I rarely get to leave the house with just Nolan these days while not worrying about what’s going on at home. This little “Mommy and Nolan” date was something that I needed, that he needed, and it was meant to be enjoyed.
I couldn’t make that cashier move any faster and had that been another customer, they may have huffed and puffed and rolled their eyes at us for holding them up. They could have packed everything back into their cart and switched lines and worked themselves up over nothing.
That woman didn’t know it, but she taught me a lesson.
Things are going to happen in life that I can’t control. But as they say, the only thing you can control is how you react to it. And I am going to work on reacting more positively and taking my time enjoying life’s little blessings.
Every time I’m hurrying to this place or that place, I’m causing myself unnecessary stress and missing out on the beautiful little moments that we call life. As frustrating as it may be, I’m going to take a deep breath and have a sing-a-long the next time we’re in traffic. I’m going to wait in line for 20 minutes because I promised my kids frozen yogurt after the doctors. I’m going to be more patient when we’re playing Mancala and he just wants to pick up the pieces and put them in the wrong holes.
I’ve been high strung for most of my life and it’s time to stop and smell the roses. Because one day, the roses aren’t going to be in bloom and I’m going to wish I had done it more.
So thanks to the woman who checked out behind me yesterday… your kindness and sweet words meant more than you’ll ever know.


“To learn life lessons from a student, animal lover and self-proclaimed wine connoisseur, go on and visit The Eclectic Vet (Student)”




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