
The Bachelor is over… bring on The Bachelorette!

If you follow me on Twitter, you know Mondays are reserved for The Bachelor. Lawd help me now that it’s over because I don’t know what I’m going to live tweet anymore!

But last night was as intense as ever… the finale. Which when you really think about it, it is SO bizarre we are so intrigued and tuned into someone else’s love life. But you get emotionally invested after watching all of these relationships develop over the duration of the season and you’re crossing your fingers it all works out in the end.

I’ve been a fan of Jojo since the beginning but seeing his relationship with some of the other women kind of made me sway back and forth. Especially after Jojo’s rocky hometown date. But after last night’s meet-Ben’s-parents rendezvous, I was totally #teamjojo. He just seemed so relaxed with her and she was just so emotional about her relationship with him and how much she loved him.

Well unfortunately, he didn’t pick her. And it was heartbreaking to watch her pour her soul out to him and tell him how much she loved him and couldn’t wait to start their lives together. And then for him to tell her he loved her but he couldn’t imagine his life without the other woman. Burn. Did I mention this was the first season in Bachelor history that the Bachelor told TWO women he loved them? It was thought to be against the “rules” but I guess there aren’t any real rules when it comes to love right?

Anyways it was kind of an awkward end. I was happy Ben and Lauren found love but I was still really sad about Jojo. When the show ended and they had them back in studio for the Live: After the Final Rose, Jojo seemed really at peace with the whole situation. And THEN they announced her as the new Bachelorette… WOO!!! SO so so excited and I cannot wait to watch. Is it May 23rd yet?!

Let’s talk about my final thoughts on The Bachelor and some awkward turtles for a second though:

Jimmy Kimmel in studio asking weird questions and asking them to demonstrate where they touched each other in the fantasy suite by recreating it with Barbies. Like, what?

The Preacher from Ben’s hometown who was standing nearby in case they decided to get married right then and there. He was literally reading from the Bible every time they panned to him. Sorry Denny, the entire idea was just super awkward.

The end of the show when Ben and Lauren’s families came on stage and they were just kind of all standing around getting interviewed. Never seen that happen before and it just seemed to drag out forever.

I don’t know, guys. Not my favorite end to a season. So as happy as I am for these two, let’s get the show on the road and get Jojo in the Bachelorette spotlight, shall we?

If you watched, what were your thoughts? Were you #teamjojo or #teamlauren?




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