Valentine’s Day isn’t just for people in love.
Today’s post is sponsored by Paralyzed Veterans of America. All opinions and love for the cause are my own.
Valentine’s Day is the day of love. A day to show the ones who mean the most to us just how special they are. Whether it’s with a card, a date night, flowers… whatever. It’s a day specifically dedicated to love. And everyone loves love, right?!
But Valentine’s Day isn’t just for people who are dating, engaged, or married. We can show love to other people as well. Our parents, our kids, our friends… anyone that is special to us. But have you ever thought of showing appreciation and kindness to people you don’t know? Because without even knowing it, you may be spreading love to people who need it more than you know.
I want my children to understand the importance of being kind and paying it forward. Especially on holidays (no matter how strongly you feel about Valentine’s Day being a “real” holiday or not). And on top of that, I want them to be thankful and grateful for the sacrifices our veterans have made.
So now that they’re older and can actually understand, we decided to make Valentine’s Day cards for our local veterans. We spent the day with construction paper, doilies, stickers, glitter… you name it, we had it! I used to love making valentines when I was little and I hope my kids enjoy it just as much. But more so than designing their valentines, I want them to recognize the feeling they get after delivering them to our loved veterans face-to-face. Sure, we could mail them and call it a day. And that’s of course better than nothing! But I wanted to take it a step further and provide them with an experience of a lifetime. It’s amazing what a simple gesture can do for someone and even more so for men and women who deserve so much respect.
Do you want to make someone’s day brighter this Valentine’s Day? Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) is honoring Veterans this Valentine’s Day with their campaign, Love Our Veterans. You still have plenty of time to make (or buy) Valentine’s Day cards and send or deliver them to your local vets. But just in case you don’t have time, you can click here and fill out a pre-worded Valentine’s Day card. These will then be printed out and delivered to VA hospitals by PVA. And those at Walter Reed will also receive some Godiva chocolates. So easy, right?
Take the time to educate your kids on the importance of being respectful and honoring those who deserve it. Not only on holidays but everyday. I always encourage them to tell Veterans “thank you” when we see them in uniform or wearing a “Veteran” hat. I never knew any Veterans growing up so I never learned the importance of honoring them. And now that I do, I want my children to grow up acknowledging them.
Spread the love friends… make someone else’s day 🙂 And as always, love our Veterans.
8 years agoI love this idea! Everything you said is so true, Valentine’s Day can be about showing love to anyone. And I love this cause! I have SO MANY people in my life who are currently in the military or are veterans, including my brother. Thank you for sharing this! <3
Lauren I Glitter & Grandeur
8 years agoThis is such a fantastic way to celebrate Valentine’s Day! I love that you are sharing the experience with your kids. Spreading love to others and supporting our veterans are valuable life lessons. You get the awesome mom award for teaching them that at such a young age!
xoxo Lauren | Glitter & Grandeur
8 years agoOh darn! This is the price I pay for being so behind on my blog reading I would have loved to have done this!