A follow up on yesterday’s post…
As a fellow military wife pointed out, it’s important for her to stay home with the kids because it gives them stability. With the possibility of Daddy being gone for extended periods of time, it’s important for them to know Mommy WILL be home for dinner, or to pick them up from school, or cheering them on at their soccer game. Although some may think Bubba isn’t old enough yet to know when Daddy is gone, he does.
And of course there is the issue of childcare. Given the job opportunities in my area and the types of jobs available, I would be barely be making any money when I factored in childcare costs. To make it worth my while, I would need a job that paid way more than what I’ve been offered.
After talking with some of you ladies and reading some other people’s input on this topic, I realize that I have to count my blessings and that the grass is always greener on the other side.
“Check out this month’s featured blog, Life According to Kenz”