I’ve had a lot of people ask me recently, “what do you do all day?” And while I wish I could say “oh I just write one post a day and post it!”… that’s certainly not all I do. Now of course it changes everyday and no day is ever the same. Which I love! But many people think that I just work for myself and I can do whatever I want to but as you’ll see, it’s a little more complicated than that. But I love my job and I wouldn’t change it for the world 🙂 So let’s get started: a day in the life of a blogger.
I wake up and immediately check my notifications; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Emails. I usually don’t have time to respond right away so I flag my emails and will go back and respond to comments and emails later.
I make the kids breakfast and while they’re eating, I post my blog post for the day. If it has been auto-scheduled, I share it to social media. I don’t usually schedule my social media posts because that’s just one more thing I have to do! But perhaps I should so I’m not rushing in the morning…
I get dressed, possibly take a photo for Instagram and then take my kids to school.
I come home and start responding to emails. What types of emails you ask? Emails from brands, other bloggers, or the bloggers I’m mentoring that month. I write down any due dates from campaigns I’ve been accepted to and print out the instructions. Which I then file in the “Campaigns in Progress” folder. I also print out receipts of payment and either enter them in my budget tracker or file them in the “Needs Entered in Excel” folder.
The rest of the morning either consists of Skype meetings with my mentees, writing blog posts for the week, scheduling them, photographing products, editing product photos, responding to emails as they come in, reading other blogs and applying for campaigns.
I leave mid-afternoon to pick up my kids from school and then it’s lunchtime. Followed by “quiet time” if they decide they don’t want to nap that day (which they usually don’t). Quiet time consists of snuggling on the couch and watching a movie, or playing quietly up in their rooms. I’m usually checking emails and social media while on the couch or at my computer doing anything I didn’t finish from the morning.
After quiet time we either play outside or play something together. I also try to pick up the house if it’s a disaster or get some laundry and cleaning done.
When my husband gets home for the night I start dinner and he plays with the kids. We then eat dinner, give the kids baths, and sit down for some family time.
Once the kids go to sleep I pull out the laptop and respond to emails, write a post for the next day, apply to more campaigns, etc. Opportunities come in throughout the day so unlike other 9-5 jobs, I don’t sit down at a desk and work for 8 hours. I’m working in increments when I can find time and responding to things as I can.
I’ve recently started doing social media on the side for a few companies so that takes up some more time as well. I haven’t fully launched their campaigns yet but that will be a huge chunk of my day/all day. It’s important I respond to people on social media as soon as possible so it doesn’t get forgotten or they don’t get ignored (we all hate that, don’t we?)
And there you have it! A day in the life of a blogger!
If you’re a blogger, how do you do it? How much time do you spend each day doing blog related things?