
Ever wanted to be in a Febreze commercial? + GIVEAWAY

This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
We’ve all seen the Febreze commercials, right? Where there’s a ton of trash or nasty things but the people claim not to smell them when they walk in the room, car, house, etc? And how many of us have doubted the products really worked to mask the horrific smells? This girl.
So when I was given the opportunity to take the Noseblind test, of course I was game! Z and I hosted a little movie night prior to him leaving and we followed all of the instructions as specified in the Noseblind Kit.
Long story short, we gave our friends a survey right when they walked in. We then made popcorn and gave them another survey. We watched the movie, and then gave them another survey. And then we busted out the Febreze products!
Now if we are being honest, I ‘m not sure I really understood the point of using the Febreze products after the movie. I get that the popcorn smell was supposed to be weaker at this point but I think we would have been able to tell a lot more had we used the Febreze products right after popping the popcorn and then reevaluated the smell in the house after the movie.
But regardless, the products smell uhmazing. And I love that they don’t just mask the odor, they eliminate it.
Want to learn more about going Noseblind? You can check out the Febreze explanation here! And be sure to visit their Facebook and Twitter for other fun info 🙂
BUT before you go, enter the Rafflecopter below and you could win your own stash of Febreze products AND $60 American Express gift card. Get to it… Good luck!





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