“Life as a blogger is filled with memorable quotes” + a giveaway.
When I first started blogging, I had no idea where it would take me. I started a blog when Z was preparing to deploy to Afghanistan because it was an outlet to express the feelings I was keeping to myself. I didn’t share it at first and mostly wrote for myself, pouring words and tears onto a computer screen to quiet the chaotic thoughts going on in my head.
And then it turned into this. My own little space in the big wide world of the internet and it was like I had discovered a new sense of me. I met amazing friends and received unbelievable opportunities, all while doing what I loved most…writing.
It’s crazy to look back at how it all began and look at the first few posts leading up to Z leaving. It’s hard to look at the posts where I didn’t know if I’d see my husband come home alive, let alone be there to raise our son growing in my belly. But it’s rewarding to see how far I’ve come as a wife and now a mother, and have something to look back on and be proud of. I survived a 10 month deployment, two months after marrying my husband, and while pregnant with our first child. I don’t know if many people will ever understand how hard that I was but I am damn proud of myself for doing it.
When I received these earrings from JewelSugar, I received them along with a note that read:
“Life as a blogger is filled with memorable quotes, here’s a little golden reminder of everything you wrote.”
Yes, simple enough. But every time I look at these earrings, it makes me proud to be a blogger. People outside of blogging may not understand the countless hours we spend writing, or emailing, or texting someone we’ve never met in “real life.” But those of us that blog, those of us that have found a sense of community within an amazing group of women all over the world, get it.
What started as a few jumbled words with no sense of direction, has since turned into a book full of memories. And just like life, some are harder to relive than others but I am so thankful I am able to see the progress I’ve made, and we’ve made as a family.
JewelSugar also sent me a pair of “golden reminders” to giveaway to one of you fabulous women as well. Because I’ve met so many amazing women blogging, I thought it would be fun for you to give back to someone you’ve met through blogging as well. Just leave me a comment of someone you’d like me to send them to, and I’ll use random.org to pick a winner!
I have always loved to write and being a blogger has made me into more than just a writer. I am so thankful for the time capsule I’ve created through my blog and I can only hope you all feel the same way too. Thank you for reading my family’s journey and my random thoughts here and there. You guys are the best 🙂
Be sure to check out JewelSugar on Facebook and take a look around their website. They have offered you all a 10% discount using the code HICCUPS as well!
I received these earrings as a gift. No other compensation was provided. All opinions expressed are my own.
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