military military life

He’s HOME.

Well if you were sick of me complaining about Zach being gone for three weeks, he’s home 🙂 So you’re welcome, the complaining is hopefully stopping here.
We had been at gym class when Z arrived home and y’all, I wish I would have recorded this little boy’s reunion with his daddy. He screamed “DADDY!!!” and went running into his arms. Cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Some tears may have been shed, I won’t even try and deny that one.
And of course, I had to capture a family selfie (ignore how craptastic I look) but sorry Ellen, I think I like ours better than your infamous one.
While everyone else took a nap, I caught up on the six magazines that have been delivered and untouched. Even reading a magazine becomes close to impossible when you have kids, people. Oh and the fact that it was 90 degrees and sunny didn’t hurt either.


When everyone awoke from their slumber, we hit up the pool. This my friends, is what you call a ham. He picked out his own floaties and who am I to deny the kid pink and purple floaties? And those glasses? Ugh, he’s the coolest.
We obviously worked up an appetite while in the pool so we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for a celebration dinner. Yeah, I complain a lot when Z is gone but I am OH so proud of him for doing what he needs to do and rocking out at it. Wings, drinks, yum.


We hit up Baskin Robbins on our way home and had all intentions of watching a movie but were too exhausted to do so. Sunday was filled with another trip to the pool, family dinner, and Despicable Me.



My heart is so happy. I love my husband and although he drives me bat shit crazy 99% of the time, the number tends to go down a little when he has to leave 😉 Just kidding, but really, distance really does make the heart grow fonder. Every time he leaves, I somehow find a way to love him even more than I did when he left.
How was your weekend? Anything exciting? 


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