
I’m alive!

Well friends, I’m back in New York for the last time! In a few weeks, I’ll be making the drive back to Ohio, never to return to upstate New York! As much as I’m SO ready to leave, it’s kind of bittersweet. Zach and I have made amazing memories here and this will always be the place where we had our first home and started a family together. 
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t overwhelmed but a lot in my life right now. I don’t want to come off as ungrateful because I am so excited we finally have some answers, but with these new answers comes so many uncertainties and it can be a little overwhelming when I think about it all. 
On top of that, there are a few people in my life that have just been a poison for as long as I can remember, yet I still let it affect me when I know this is just how they are. Ain’t nobody got time for that; especially this pregnant mama who’s about to be separated from her husband for 15 weeks and plan a move in the process. Sorry I’m not sorry but it’s time to start doing what’s best for me and my family and if that doesn’t include you, too bad. 
I apologize if I’ve been MIA dolls! Between vacation and preparing for everything else, I’ve had more on my plate than I can handle at times. I’m hoping to play catch up this week and take care of a few things I need to do and then I’ll be back in action 🙂 This includes reading blogs; I haven’t had a chance to sit down and see what’s going on in everyone else’s lives and I truly miss it. Be prepared for comment overload soon enough! 
Thank you to everyone who has left us the sweet comments and kind words about our new addition. You guys seriously rock my socks off! 


“She’s super fab and puts the “Mer” in America…Check her out!”




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