Happy New Year!
I’ve done a lot of growing up the past few years; I’ve learned how to be a wife, a mother, and a better person.
In 2013, I hope to continue learning and growing and raising our baby boy to be the best he can be.
I plan to eat healthier, workout more (or start…), perform random acts of kindness, continue writing and blogging, improve my photography skills, make more time for my husband, cherish time with my family, and accept the army lifestyle.
Z is currently working on a new career path within the Army, however, if that does not work out, he will be deploying with his unit sometime in 2013…
I ask for your prayers that does not happen. Neither of us are ready for another deployment and I can’t imagine spending a year apart from him again. Especially for Bubba’s sake so please, send prayers our way.
What are your resolutions this year?
To a healthy and prosperous New Year friends…XOXO!