
“You’re not a fashion blog”

Right. Someone said this to me. 

And they’re right. I do not consider myself a fashion blogger. I think I’ve made it perfectly clear that I’m a lifestyle blogger with a focus on fashion, family, and fun. A personal style blogger if you will…

But it wasn’t the fact that they told me I wasn’t a fashion blog. Because I’m not. But the reasoning behind it was what kind of upset me…

Basically, I was told I’m not a fashion blog because I blog about my family, life, and activities, not strictly fashion. Hmm. So fashion bloggers would not be considered fashion bloggers anymore if they blogged about something other than fashion? This blew my mind. 
I don’t consider myself a fashion blogger for a few reasons. I mostly include outfit posts and blog about trends I like because despite not being a “fashion blogger”, I love fashion. I love to shop and I love to shop within a budget. I very rarely pay full price for anything and will scour the ends of the earth to find free shipping, discount code, or coupon before checking out. 
I don’t spend hundreds of dollars a month on clothing, accessories or shoes. I don’t receive hundreds of dollars in free swag. I don’t attend fashion shows or fashion events. And I definitely don’t look as put together as most fashion bloggers do on a daily basis. 
I’m not saying all fashion bloggers do all of the above but when people think of fashion bloggers, that’s often what they envision. And apparently, the person that told me I wasn’t a fashion blog has a misconstrued view as well because I read plenty of fashion blogs who talk about more than just fashion. As a matter of fact, I like it better when they do. Yes, I love their fashion posts but I also like getting to know the women behind the blogs and behind the fashion posts as well. 
So no, I am not a fashion blog. I began blogging because I needed somewhere to outpour the emotions that I didn’t know how to deal with when life got tough. I love to write; writing is my passion and it’s the best way I know how to deal with the thoughts clogging my brain. It has since evolved into more than that but if being a fashion blogger means not posting about my family and my life, well than I’m glad I’m not considered one. Because my family IS my life. 
Although I agree on categorizing blogs based on their content, I also think blatantly telling someone they aren’t a certain kind of blogger isn’t necessary. We are all individuals and we all offer a different style; that’s the beauty of blogging, we can blog about anything we want because it’s our blog. 
Some people consider themselves lifestyle blogs, some are fashion blogs, some are mommy blogs, etc. I say, let everyone think they fall into whatever category they want to fall into. I read blogs because I love the content, the blogger, or a mixture of both. I don’t really care what category they fall into; I read them because I love them regardless. 
So to the person who told me that, thank you for pointing out the obvious and for inspiring this post. I like to talk about fashion, deals, and trends for the real woman. 
The woman who is on a budget. 
The woman who has carried two children. 
The woman who didn’t get to shower this morning. 
The woman who isn’t 5’10” and 100 pounds. 
The woman who just loves fashion. 

Do you consider yourself in a certain category? Does this make you stay away from certain types of posts?


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