Creating a space and finding the formula right for your dog.
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ProPlanPet #CollectiveBias
When we found out Zach would be deploying the first time, we decided I needed a fury little friend to keep me company. My aunt had reserved a black lab from a litter and knew there was one little girl left who still needed a home. We could give her that home. And so she became our new baby, Charlie.
While Z was deployed, we were inseparable. We went on drives together, played fetch, and snuggled for naps and bedtime. When Nolan was born, I was nervous about how they would get along together, but I should have known it would be a match made in heaven. Charlie’s temperament is super calm, sweet, and loving.
Because we were heading back to New York from Ohio when she was 5 weeks old, the breeder told us that we could take her a week early. She had been weaned off her mom and was eating solid foods, and seemed to be doing great! So we took our tiny baby home… and looking back, I can’t even believe how tiny she was!
But since we took her early, I feel as though she developed some sort of anxiety. She loves people but other dogs terrify her. And after being bitten by a little dog near her eye, she really doesn’t like to be around other dogs unless she gets to know them well.
She also became a picky eater. Unless we mixed in wet food or people food, she wanted nothing to do with it. After going through 5 different foods, Purina® Pro Plan® was the only one she has eaten on her own. I asked the employees at PetSmart which ones they would recommend and this was it. And I am so thankful they knew what they were talking about!
Charlie also attended the puppy obedience class at PetSmart while Z was deployed, and it was awesome. She learned to sit, lay down, give a paw, but refused to roll over. Apparently she’s got some stubborn in her… just like her mama 😉 We loved our instructor and always got a friendly “Hi Charlie!” anytime we walked into the store. And because we were bored and lonely in Ohio, we frequented PetSmart for treats and to get out of the house!
I may be biased, but Charlie is a perfect dog. She loves to go on walks and loves to play fetch with her ball thrower (I don’t know technical names here people). She loves to hop right in your lap to chew her nightly bone, and will sleep on the pillow next to you in bed if you’ll let her. She puts up with the kids laying on her like she’s a beanbag and always looks out for any member of our family.
When we moved to the new house, I wanted to create a little area for all of her things. The kids were constantly going and grabbing treats and feeding her a billion a day, so I picked up little containers and baskets to put everything in. I nailed this little hanger on the side for her leash, and put her food in this air tight container. I keep the rest of the food in a larger tote in the garage, and just replenish this container when it’s empty. Everyone else gets their own room… shouldn’t she have her own space too!?
I had always grown up with Golden Retrievers and had my heart set on getting a puppy when the time was right. This little pup helped me through one of the darkest and most difficult times of my life, and I am forever thankful that she’s all ours.
I’ve seen this quote floating around and it really hit home with me….“He might only be here for part of your life. But for him, you are his whole life.”
And this is exactly why it’s important to spoil a dog like any other member of the family. Visit the Purina® Pro Plan® MyPLAN website to get your dog’s MyPLAN recommendation and a rebate offer for a free bag of Purina® Pro Plan® Dry Dog Food (4-6lbs, up to $18.99.) Good only in U.S.A. A.P.O’s, F.P.O’s. Void where taxed, prohibited, restricted. Allow 6-8 weeks for shipment. LIMIT ONE REQUEST PER INDIVIDUAL, ADDRESS, or EMAIL ADDRESS. Offer expires 04/30/2015.See full terms.
How do you spoil your pups? Did it take you awhile to find a food they enjoyed?