fashion kids

Back to school: Open House attire.





It’s hard to believe it’s already time for school to start again! I feel like it was just yesterday that he was getting out of school for the summer. School in the south starts so much earlier than school did in the Midwest, so we’re starting to transition from laid back summer days to more structured schedules. Summer was great but I think everyone is looking forward to a little bit of a routine 🙂







Sperry shoes via Rack Room Shoes c/o// Photo credit: Amy Hess Photography

My son’s school is holding an open house before the first day; we’ll have a chance to meet his new teacher and see his new classroom. He’s so excited to go and of course, we had to pick out some new open house attire to meet his teacher for the first time! This kid is definitely his daddy’s son and he loves a good pair of Sperrys. They’re perfect for jeans or shorts and they will never go out of style.

I allow my son to dress himself on a regular basis, however there are some occasions where I get to choose. Being a mom has to have some perks, right?! But to make him feel like he has a choice, I give him three options. And out of his three options, he chose this shirt! Isn’t he a ham? I just want to squish his face.

We’ve done some of his school clothes shopping but Rack Room Shoes is definitely a great place to get his shoes. They offer buy one pair, get one pair 50% off… EVERYDAY! So he picked up this pair and a pair for his first day of school. And I can’t wait to share those with you because I may or may not have matching ones 😉

As lucky as we are to have the ability to buy new shoes and new clothes for school, the reality is that a lot of kids don’t have this luxury. So to give back, Rack Room Shoes has partnered with the national non-profit Shoes That Fit. This program helps local disadvantaged children by providing them with new pairs of shoes. All the proceeds stay local, so you’re helping children in your own community. The best part? Rack Room Shoes is currently matching any donation made in-store or online. How amazing is that?

It’s hard to watch my kids grow up but I know that it’s inevitable. And as sad as it makes me that my babies aren’t babies anymore, it’s amazing to watch them grow into wonderful people.






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