Friday Friday, gotta get down on Friday! And by get down I mean go to bed early, ya feel me? The kids had ANOTHER snow day this week. And while I totally get why they call school for safety reasons, it totally messes up my routine! But I know one day I’ll look back and remember these extra special days I get to spend with them.
I’m a little down in the dumps this week because I should have been in NYC for fashion week. But between trying to coordinate people to watch the kids and my friend’s apartment needing maintenance done, it just wasn’t in the cards. There’s always next season, right? Or in my case, two seasons considering I’ll have a newborn next season..
Anyways! I went to the doctor this week and got to hear the little bambino. Which still remains nameless. So keep sending me name suggestions, hmm k? Heartbeat was 150 and in a few more weeks, we’ll have the big mid-way ultrasound. And for the firs time, Z will actually be with me. Which is a first for us because he wasn’t for the other two.
So let’s check in, shall we?
How far along: 15 weeks + 4 days
Size of baby: Navel Orange
Baby’s size and weight: 4.02 inches and 2.5 ounces
My total weight gain: 13 lbs
Baby’s development:
Baby is squirming a ton (I haven’t felt it yet)
Baby might be hiccuping in there.
Joints and limbs can all move now.
Proportions more normal; legs now out measure arms.
Stretch marks: None.
Maternity clothes: Just living in leggings and looking forward to sun dresses when it finally warms up.
Gender: I announced it Monday! And if you missed the video, please watch. It will give you a nice little chuckle.
Movement: I don’t feel anything yet.
Sleep: To add to my insomnia, I now have some kind of cold that makes it hard to breathe through my nose when I sleep. So annoying.
What I miss: Not having to deal with acid reflux. It’s been super bad the past few weeks.
Food cravings: Malt vinegar on french fries. Yummmmm.
Symptoms: Indigestion, reflux, bathroom issues…
The siblings are: P is over the moon. She will randomly yell out “I’M SO EXCITED IT’S A GIRL BABY!” Poor N, not so excited.. but he loves his baby girl cousin so I know he will come around and be so in love with her.
High of the week: Announcing what this baby is! And officially being able to shop for her 🙂
Low of the week: Reflux and now this cold. The doctor gave me some nausea/indigestion medicine so I’ve take that a few times. And I grabbed some Sudafed for my cold.
We have zero plans this weekend and I’m kind of looking forward to that. I know we’ll need to get out of the house because we’ll get a little stir crazy but all in all, just looking forward to some quiet family time.
Have a great weekend babes… see you Monday! xo
7 years agoI am bummed about NYFW too but as you know, we are both missing out! Next February let’s mark it in pen and plan on it! I hope you feel better soon!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes