48 hours.
What would you do if you only had 48 hours to spend with your spouse?
Because that’s about how much time we had! He even slept in the airport Friday night and booked three separate flights to make it back here. Although we didn’t have much time together, it was so super special to spend this weekend with my hero.
Here’s what we did in our short amount of time:
Nolan couldn’t wait to show daddy his trains. I think Z was more excited about this than Nolan but according to this picture, it was this kid’s best day ever.
We headed out for a date night! While picking up Z at the airport, I heard the woman at the USO say she had extra Cavs tickets for Military Appreciation Night…. FOR FREE! So we left the little man with my parents and enjoyed some much needed one-on-one time out.
On Sunday, we attempted to go to lunch and shopping but someone fell asleep the minute we got into the car. So we turned around, left the little man with my mom, and headed to a nice lunch with just each other again 🙂
We chose hibachi and sushi! And the best part? The sweet little lady who owned the restaurant comped our meal to thank Z for his service. Her father was a paratrooper in WW2 and we talked for awhile about military life. Totally unexpected and such a nice reminder that good people still exist out there.
Before Z left on Monday, we took advantage of the free meal Applebee’s was offering to Veterans. Nolan found our flag from the Cavs game and was waving it around all morning while saying “YAY!” He may be young but he is so proud of his daddy 🙂
And I decided this would be our last photo from the weekend. I didn’t want to cry at the airport and had to look away when he said goodbye to Nolan, but no tears were shed! (may be a first…) He will be home in 15 days for Thanksgiving and I am just so blessed he was able to spend these 48 hours with us.
It’s times like this, when every moment counts, that I truly realize how lucky I am. These two are my world and I just love them more than words can ever say 🙂
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