
An ever changing “style” + Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale picks!


“Fashion says “me too”. Style says “only me.”

That’s always been how I’ve seen things when it comes to fashion. I absolutely love trends and I live for the new trends each season. But I’m also one to march to the beat of my own drum. My style has definitely evolved over the past few years and even changes from season to season. I remember hearing my mom say “I’m too old to wear that” every time we went shopping and I would tell her (and I still do), age doesn’t dictate what you can wear! Wear whatever you want if you feel comfortable in it. Your comfort and confidence comes before anything else.










Nobella Grace top c/o// Daisy Faye Designs Clutch c/o// Express jeans// Red Dress Boutique Shoes// Funktional Wearables Fit Bit Cover// Photo cred: Amy Hess Photography

I dress depending on my mood. Sometimes I want to wear a t-shirt and shorts and other times I want to wear a sexy top with ripped jeans. Right now I’m loving florals, plain tops, neutral shoes, off-the-shoulder tops, rompers, chokers, and holey jeans. I’ve also been favoring boutiques over mainstream stores so because of that, I feel like my style has gotten a little simpler too. Don’t get be wrong I like to get a little “crazy” sometimes and wear something completely out of the box. But for the most part, I’ve been very simple lately.

I’m also a bargain hunter. I refuse to spend a ton of money on my clothes and shoes for a few different reasons. 1) I change my style so often I like to switch my wardrobe often and 2) because I don’t have the money. I see so many other “fashion” bloggers spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on their wardrobe and I just don’t have that. I shop frequently but I’m able to do so because I’m smart about it.


Which brings me to my next point! It’s the Nordstrom Half Yearly sale! I love Nordstrom but most of the time can’t afford a lot of the items I want. SO when these sales come around, I take advantage. The website was moving SO slowly yesterday so I didn’t even get to pick all of my favorites but this is a good chunk! Remember, free shipping!

Your style is exactly that… YOURS. Sure, take a look at the trends and allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone now and then. But for the most part, wear what you feel comfortable in and what you think looks good. No two people have the same style and that’s what makes it fun.

Now go get some fab new pieces and share them below with me… I want to see! Happy shopping! xo



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