Woah.. hi friends! I haven’t logged onto this space for quite awhile. It has been the craziest few days of my life and I’m slowly but surely feeling like it’s real life instead of some dream world. Between the lack of sleep, medication, and pure craziness, it’s been quite the whirlwind. But today’s post title is kind of a tease because the reality of today’s bumpdate at 37 weeks is… SHE’S HERE!
She was born Sunday, July 8th at 7:18 a.m. I was 36 weeks + 6 days and she weighed 8 lbs 5 oz (big girl!) and was 21 inches long. Getting all teary eyed just thinking of that day!
I cannot wait to share her birth story with all of you (because it’s a good one!) as well as share my experience with our trip to the NICU and my postpartum preeclampsia diagnosis. Because while they certainly weren’t fun or something I’d wish on anyone, I had a lot of questions and stories of other women’s experiences and I think it’s important to talk about.
But today, I just wanted to thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, messages, comments, etc. It has truly been one of the most difficult and exhausting weeks of my life, but having a community and support system like all of you has made it so much easier. Not to mention we are completely in love and smitten without newest addition. I might be biased but she’s just perfect.
I have a billion photos to share and can’t wait to update you on everything but for now, I’ll spam you with a few photos from our past week.
We still haven’t been released yet so we’re hoping that’s coming soon (today would be fabulous!) but just need to make sure we’re both good to go and can thrive outside the hospital. Although it’s been exhausting being here since last Sunday, I’m thankful we were in a place where we needed to be and getting the best care we could get.
Thank you all again for the love and support.. it means the world to us! xo
Here are the previous bumpdates if you missed them!
7 years agoBeen thinking about you guys!! Hope you get outta there soon!
And man- all those baby pics, makes me more excited for my own little in a few months!
Jessica M Gehman
7 years agoWoohoo! She is so beautiful and that picture of her with P & N, adorable! Which reminds me, will the girls be P1 and P2 or do you only call them by their initials on social media?
7 years agoShe is so gorgeous! I’m so happy for your little family, friend! <3 <3
7 years ago AUTHORThanks love! We are so in love 🙂
7 years agocongratulations to your sweet family!
7 years ago AUTHORThank you so much!!